Zero Consulting has a Performance Testing Agent for WELL certification

Zero Consulting has had a Performance Testing Agent in our team since last October, after having passed the corresponding accreditation process. Since then, we have been able to carry out Performance Verification for WELL certification, helping our customers to meet the required standards and obtain certification efficiently and reliably.

The WELL sustainability certification

The WELL certification, developed by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), is the world's leading framework for certifying and creating spaces that promote occupant health and well-being. The Performance Verification, within the certification process, ensures that evidence-based health and wellness strategies are implemented and function correctly.


Performance Verification is a distinctive milestone in WELL certification, as the quality of the indoor climate is verified by an external accredited body, which differentiates it from other sustainability certifications. All the features of the program are reviewed and evaluated by an impartial third party, providing owners with the confidence and assurance that their project is built as designed.

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Performance Verification for WELL certification

WELL certification puts the well-being of users at the centre and on-site verification is a practical tool for assessing comfort, ensuring that certified buildings perform as stated during the design phase. Thus, on-site tests are conducted for all the concepts required by WELL: Air, Water, Thermal Comfort, Light and Sound.

Who can carry out the final verification tests?

A WELL Performance Testing Organisation is a company that, being authorised and supervised by the GBCI, provides Performance Verification for those buildings seeking to obtain for the first time or renew a WELL certification.

Zero Consulting works proactively in the improvement of environmental, social and welfare sustainability. Since last October, Iván Fernández has been accredited as a WELL Performance Testing Agent after passing a rigorous accreditation process.

Currently, the company has two WELL APs (WELL Accredited Professionals) and can offer both WELL consulting services to developers and design teams, as well as conduct the necessary field tests for WELL certification in its version 2. This allows Zero Consulting to take a holistic view and participate in all phases of the WELL certification process for each project.

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Sound test in the Performance Verification of the WELL certification

As WELL Performance Testing Organization, Zero Consulting now offers a new quality service to its customers, in addition to the already known services, such as the commissioning service or the watertightness tests blower Door.

What do we offer at Zero Consulting?

The principles of Zero Consulting provide a foundation for operational strategy and growth, as well as a tool to assess successes and new challenges. These principles are particularly relevant for the provision of environmental consulting services and performance testing or Performance Verification:

  • Validity and quality guarantee: We guarantee rigour in the design, development, and implementation of processes to measure the performance of sustainable building. Our approaches and methodologies ensure consistency and objectivity to validate certifications and credentials.
  • Guarantee of transparency and clarity: We are open in the way we work and in the information we make available. Our attitude, with a deep sense of integrity and ethical responsibility, allows clients to know what to expect from us at all times.
  • Adapt to change: We adapt to the changing needs of the global market, enhancing our knowledge and experience to advance the sustainable building industry.
  • Growing with our clients: We build long-term relationships of trust and reciprocity with our clients, and offer high-quality responses.

At Zero Consulting, we have specialized knowledge in sustainable certifications, including this and other options to certify your building. If you want your building to be sustainable and ensure the well-being of its occupants, we can work together in a consultation to define the objectives to be achieved. Contact us to schedule a consultation with us.



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