Sustainable hotels: The WELL certification in Hotels under debate

Hoteles sostenibles

Zero Consulting presented, at the recent sessions organized by Grupo Vía in Barcelona on WELL Certifications and Cradle to Cradle, the first hotel project in Spain that aims to obtain WELL certification.

WELL certification in sustainable hotels

The conference addressed the trend in the office and hotel sector of approaching space design by putting people at the centre of implementations. In this context, the ZEM Wellness retreat Altea hotel project was presented, the first hotel in Spain to obtain the WELL certification.

The architect and WELL AP Bieito Silva described the work carried out in the refurbishment of the Altea Hills Hotel in Alicante, in which he is working on the application of WELL Hospitality criteria. For this purpose, Zero Consulting collaborated with the IWBI (International Well Building Institute) to develop the pilot programme for the hotel typology.


hoteles sostenibles a debate

The ZEM Wellness Retreat Altea project

This sustainable hotel will be the first to obtain the WELL certificate in Spain. This is a refurbishment of a 25,000 m2 hotel including offices, spa, clinic and restaurant; all seven concepts of the WELL certification have been worked on:

  • Air (with quality controls, VOC-free materials and real-time monitoring).
  • Water (carrying out water purification treatments, anti-legionella plans, establishing quarterly water quality tests and guaranteeing its potability).
  • Food (for both users and workers, food quality, local vegetable garden, allergen information, healthy and balanced diet), Lighting (circadian and appropriate lighting for each use).
  • Fitness (stair promotion, fitness room also for employees, outdoor garden for outdoor activities and active workplaces).
  • Comfort (ergonomics, acoustic comfort, thermal comfort and olfactory comfort).
  • Mind (biophilic design and HR policies for flexibility and happiness at work).



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