Update of the Technical Building Code (CTE) and new version of LIDER-CALENER (HULC)

On December 23, 2016, a series of updates were published on the CTE website.

Firstly, the basic documents DB-SI, DB-SUA, DB-HR and DB-HS have been modified with comments. The DB-HR Application Guide and the supporting document DA DB-SUA/2have also changed. These latest modifications have been made primarily to improve accessibility in the existing buildings.

Secondly, a new version of the unified tool LIDER-CALENER (manual HULC) has been published, corresponding to v1558.1124 and dated December 17, 2016. This update is compatible with previous versions, although in some cases it will require data updates mentioned in the tool's manual.

The new version resolves some of the most frequently detected problems and errors when exporting buildings to Calener GT, such as the failure in exporting due to using commas instead of periods in decimals or the replacement of systems with ideals in reference buildings for tertiary cases in Calener VYP.

This change represents a step towards the settlement of nearly zero-energy buildings or nZEB.


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